MAGNOLIA SCHOOL DISTRICT 2023-2024 Meet the Teacher Day - Friday, August 11 - 9:00 AM - Noon First Day of School - Monday, August 14 Click Here to View the District Calendar and Events:
over 1 year ago, Magnolia School District
"When You Can't Find The Sunshine, Be The Sunshine!"
over 1 year ago, Central Elementary School
"When You Can't Find The Sunshine Be The Sunshine!"
New Signs.....New's going to be a GREAT Year!!!
over 1 year ago, Central Elementary School
New Signs, New Banners
Central Parents and Students!!! It is almost time for Meet the Teacher!! August 11, 2023 between the hours of 9:00 - 12:00, you are invited to find out who your teacher will be, meet your teacher, visit your classroom, and get ready for a fun-filled, educational year. We cannot wait to see all our students.
over 1 year ago, Central Elementary School
Meet the Teacher
Wentworth Place - Back to School Bash August 4, 2023 11:00 am - 1:00 pm 38 Warnock Springs Road Bounce Houses - Blood Drive - Sno Cones - Hot Dogs for Kids Free T-Shirts for first 100 kids
over 1 year ago, Magnolia School District
Wentworth Back to School Bash
PANTHER PANTRY WRAPS UP FIRST YEAR OF SERVICE TO THE COMMUNITY The Panther Pantry at East Side Elementary officially wrapped up its first year of service to children and their families in our community. Panther Pantry is a food pantry housed at East Side Elementary School that provides nutritious family meals and snack bags to students and their families to help bridge the food insecurity gap over the weekends. Even though the Panther Pantry is housed on the East Side campus, it has served students from all other Magnolia School District schools by supplementing these campuses as needs occurred. East Side had a dream to provide their students and families with a little more food security over the weekend. During the first year of operation, 1,736 meals and 612 snack bags were sent home with students from the District. The success of this program would not have been possible without the support of the Magnolia community, Panther Partners, Partners in Education, East Side staff, volunteers, Magnolia High School coaching staff, and head volunteer and organizer, Amy Sisson. East Side thanks everyone involved in a program that helped bridge the gap and hopes that you will continue to support and be a part of Panther Pantry the upcoming school year. One of the Panther Pantry Parents said it best......."Thank you for putting smiles in homes where they might not have as many reasons to smile."
almost 2 years ago, Magnolia School District
SUMMER MEALS TO BE PROVIDED The Magnolia School District will run their Summer Meal Program from June 5 - July 20. Meals can be picked up at Central Elementary School cafeteria Monday - Thursday from 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
almost 2 years ago, Magnolia School District
Summer Meal Program
MAGNOLIA SCHOOL DISTRICT ANNOUNCES LAST DAY SCHEDULE CHANGE The Magnolia School District will make the following scheduling changes to the last day of school on June 2. • All students in the District will be dismissed from school at 1:30 pm. Bus schedules will be adjusted the run at 1:30. • A district-wide staff meeting will be held at 2:00 in the Performing Arts Center on the Magnolia High School campus. • Superintendent John Ward will address the faculty at that time. Other items include the recognition of this year’s retirees and acknowledgement of the Teachers of the Year from each campus and the 2023 District Teacher of the Year.
almost 2 years ago, Magnolia School District
Last Day of School Announcement
New Military Child e-newsletter The Arkansas Council for Military Children announces the start up of a free monthly e-newsletter! The first edition of the e-newsletter is expected to be sent out in June 2023. Click the link below to subscribe to the newsletter. You may unsubscribe at any time.
almost 2 years ago, Magnolia School District
Military Child Newsletter
almost 2 years ago, Magnolia School District
National School Nurse Day
Magnolia READS came to an end today with the culminating events at East Side and Central Elementary Schools. Marsha Masters with Economics Arkansas, a partner in Magnolia READS, was a special guest at each event. In the video below, Mr. Ward and Penny Talley conclude this spring’s event expressing gratitude to those who made this year’s Magnolia READS a success. Click the link below to view the final Magnolia READS video.
almost 2 years ago, Magnolia School District
Magnolia READS-Mr. Ward and Penny Talley
The final video in the Magnolia READS Video Series features 1991 Magnolia graduate, Rebecca Grafton Ray. Rebecca is the owner of a third-generation family business, Sara’s, and the business she opened in 1998, Khakis. Click the link below to view the Sara’s/Khakis video.
almost 2 years ago, Magnolia School District
Magnolia READS-Sara's and Khakis
Arkansas Council for Military Children Click the link below to learn more about this council and how it is supporting our military children and their families.
almost 2 years ago, Magnolia School District
The next multi-generational family business featured in the Magnolia READS Video Series is Farmers Bank & Trust. Molly Harsh Burns, Elizabeth Burns Anderson, and Chris Gosnell share the history of this fifth-generation business that was established in 1906. Click the link below to view the Farmers Bank video.
almost 2 years ago, Magnolia School District
Magnolia READS-Farmers Bank & Trust
JEVAC, a precision machine shop specializing in products for the Military Aerospace Industry, is the featured multi-generational business in this week’s Magnolia READS Video Series. Craig and Clay Cheatham, and Amy Cheatham Rogers share the history of this third-generation business started by 1952 Magnolia graduate, Jimmy Cheatham. Click the link below to view the JEVAC video.
almost 2 years ago, Magnolia School District
This week in the Magnolia READS Video Series, Magnolia graduates Jimmy and Travis Arnold, share the history of their multi-generational family business, Arnold-Baker Chevrolet. They discuss experiences as third and fourth generation family members who work to carry on the traditions and legacies set by the first and second generations. Click the link below to view the Arnolds’ video.
almost 2 years ago, Magnolia School District
Magnolia READS-Arnold-Baker Chevrolet
Each year as East Side and Central Elementary Schools are participating in the Magnolia READS financial literacy event, the district and campuses also enjoy involving community members in the project. Many community members and parents are asked to be guest readers for chapters in this year’s book The Lemonade War. Another way community members are involved in the project is through the Magnolia READS Video Series. This year, the video series theme is “Multi-generational Family Businesses in Magnolia.” Business owners or employees, most of whom are Magnolia graduates or family members of Magnolia graduates, will share how their businesses began with the first generation to third and fourth generation family members who currently own or work in their businesses. Enjoy this year’s video series and the history of many of Magnolia’s family businesses. The first video comes from Jennifer Lewis Sanders, a 1988 Magnolia graduate, who shares how her family business, Lewis Funeral Home, began and is now owned and managed by the fourth generation. Click the link below to view Jennifer's video.
almost 2 years ago, Magnolia School District
Magnolia READS-Jennifer Lewis Sanders
DENELLE EDINGTON SELECTED CENTRAL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL’S TEACHER OF THE YEAR Mrs. Denelle Edington was raised in Buckner, AR, and graduated from Stamps High School. She received a bachelor’s degree in early childhood education from Southern Arkansas University and is certified to teach Pre-K through sixth grade. Denelle is currently a fourth grade math, science, and social studies teacher at Central Elementary School where she has been teaching for twelve years. Throughout her twenty-one years as a teacher, she has taught pre-kindergarten, kindergarten, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth grades, with fourth grade being her favorite. Mrs. Edington is married to Brian Edington and makes her home in Buckner. Her children include son Tyler Metcalf (MHS ’16), daughter-in-law Taegan Metcalf (MHS ’16), who teaches second grade at Eastside, son Todd Metcalf (MHS ’21), stepdaughter, Tiffany Erwin (MHS ’19), and soon-to-be step-son-in-law, Ryan McKamie. Tyler and Taegan have a 2-year-old daughter, Hollis, and are expecting a second daughter, Hattie, in May. Denelle also has two dogs, Kane and Oscar. In Mrs. Edington’s spare time, she loves working in her yard, reading, watching documentaries, listening to true crime podcasts, and going on traveling adventures with her husband.
almost 2 years ago, Magnolia School District
Denelle Edington - Central Elementary  Teacher of the Year
Human Trafficking Awareness Event April 11 - 6 PM SAU Foundation Hall Open to Public
almost 2 years ago, Magnolia School District
Human Trafficking Awareness Event - April 11 - 6 PM - SAU Foundation Hall
MR. WARD INTRODUCES THIS YEAR'S MAGNOLIA READS EVENT April is recognized as Financial Literacy Month. The yearly Magnolia READS (Reading Empowers All District Students) financial literacy event kicked off today for the students and staff members at East Side and Central Elementary Schools. This year’s book choice is The Lemonade War by Jacqueline Davies. Click on the link below to view Mr. Ward's video.
almost 2 years ago, Magnolia School District
Magnolia READS-Mr. Ward