The flower bus will not be running TODAY.
Also, the frog bus will not be running TODAY or TOMORROW.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

The MHS Panther basketball team will host a PICTURES AND AUTOGRAPHS WITH THE PANTHERS event at Panther Arena on Wednesday, March 30 from 5:30 pm-7:30 pm. The Panthers just completed an undefeated season and won the 4A State Basketball Championship. The team would love the opportunity to thank the Panther Nation fans who have loved and supported them so well!

3rd Grade Science Fair Winners
Biological Science
1st – Bacteria – Ryder Herron
2nd – Does Music Help Plants Grow – Peyton Ellis
3rd – Water Color vs Taste Perception - Judd Hickmott
HM – Do Women Have a Better Sense of Smell – Brynley Ruthardt
Earth and Environmental Science
1st – Lead in Our Soil – Collier Guess
2nd – The H20 Water Filtration Experiment – Camila Jimenez
3rd – Popcorn Pumice – La’Trudy Grantt
Medicine and Health Science
1st – Does Salt Affect Daphnia Heart Rate – Jack Filbrun
2nd – Which Soap Cleans Hands Better – Laila Easter
3rd – Sanitizer vs Sanitizer – Khiry Davis
Physical Science
1st – Testing Ink in Black Pens – Dexter Campbell
2nd – Soak it Up! – Kacey Robinson
3rd – The Effects Different Bats Have On a Baseball – Lucky Fisher
3rd – Velocity Challenge – Travis Glass
HM – The Perfect Polish – Anna Bailey
Engineering, Math and Computer Science
1st – Which Battery Last the Longest – Kade Wilkerson
2nd – Paper Airplanes – Rikhyron Mixon
3rd – Solar Oven – Jase Nelson
Team Projects
1st – Cookie Dunkin – Hyden Paschal, Makhia Mallory, Cylie Wilson, Jordan Biddle
2nd – Fly – Tevin Reed, Aiden Perry, Nz’Zyriah Smith
3rd – Gum War – Lorenzo Gonzalez, Grady Allen, De’Mello Lowe, Shariale Murphy
Overall Runner-Up – Testing Ink in Black Pens – Dexter Campbell
Overall Champion – Does Salt Affect Daphia Heart Rate – Jack Filbrun

5th grade parents: We will be hosting a Beginning Band Informational for parents and guardians of students who are interested in joining 6th grade band. The meeting will be held at the high school band hall, which is the building next to Panther arena. We strongly encourage all to attend to learn more about our band program, how to acquire an instrument, and ask any questions pertaining to our recruitment process. Students will receive an interest form this week that will need to be turned in on Friday, March 11th. See you soon!

In order to accommodate our students, faculty, and visitors, we will dismiss school at 12:00 on Monday, March 7, for the state basketball tournament.
Buses will run upon dismissal.

In order to accommodate our students, faculty, and visitors, we will dismiss school at 12:00 on Monday, March 7, for the state basketball tournament.
Buses will run upon dismissal.

March is National Reading Month, and we want your family to join us in the March RISE Reading Challenge!
For a pdf reader version click the link below:

Congratulations to Central's February Students of the Month!
3rd Grade: Laila Easter, Carter Pettit, Shariale Murphy, Talen Johnson, Carter Martin, Alan Rodriquez, Chyla Johnson, Aiden Smith, and Calen Cross.
4th Grade: Quneshia Henderson, Laura Lu, Marlee Davis, Ransom Warren, Braylee White, MaKaylee Berry, Ta'Niyah Weatherspoon, and Dredan Curry.
5th Grade: Camorian Johnson, Kambryn Spivey, Maddox Bogues, Ja'Niya Howell, Chloe Allen, Allyson Lee, Jackson McClure, Eri'Onna Gulley, Olivia Harlon, Royaltee Rose, and Demarion Wafer.


Friday, February 25, 2022 is the last day for Central Has Heart for Arkansas Children's Hospital. We are collecting travel size shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, toothpaste, and toothbrushes. These items must be new and unopened.
Thank you your donations and helping Central Have Heart!

Effective immediately, the board has removed the district's mask policy and specifically included COVID-19 in MSD policy 4.34 Communicable Disease and Parasites. Any positive COVID-19 cases will be handled under the guidance of MSD policy 4.34. In addition, the board voted to terminate contact tracing by the district.

Effective immediately, the board has removed the district's mask policy and specifically included COVID-19 in MSD policy 4.34 Communicable Disease and Parasites. Any positive COVID-19 cases will be handled under the guidance of MSD policy 4.34. In addition, the board voted to terminate contact tracing by the district.

Parent/Teacher Conferences
February 17, 2022
3:30 - 6:30
By appointment only
Conference forms were sent home with students early last week for you to select which type of conference you preferred: phone, zoom, face-to-face, or no conference. If you did not receive the conference form, please contact your child's homeroom teacher to schedule a time to meet.

Click the video link below to watch as Mr. Ward, Derrian Ford, Satiya Rone, and Rachel Ward share the special events that will be held Tuesday, February 15, at Panther Arena.

Governor Asa Hutchinson has proclaimed the week of February 7-11, 2022 as National School Counselor Week in Arkansas to focus public attention on the unique contribution of school counselors within the U.S. school system and how students are different as a result of what they do. National School Counseling Week highlights the tremendous impact school counselors can have in helping students meet their college and career aspirations.
The Magnolia School District recognizes the contributions of nine school counselors employed by the District. Each day these counselors make significant contributions to lives of our children. The District greatly appreciates the remarkable work these counselors do to provide a positive influence on the future of all students. The Magnolia School District counselors include:
Judy Barham – Kindergarten Center at East Side
Anissa Franks – East Side Elementary School
Carisa Owen – Central Elementary School
Karnesia George – Central Elementary School
Brandi Young – Magnolia Middle School
Kelly Ribble – Magnolia Middle School
Tracy Card – Magnolia High School Freshman Academy
Mary Heinze – Magnolia High School
Jill Callicott – Magnolia High School

Meet Our Counselors!!
It is National School Counseling Week, and we want you to meet Mrs. Carisa Owen, Central's 3rd Grade Counselor.
We are excited that Central is her home as she begins her Counseling career.
Mrs. Owen believes that all children need to know that there is someone there for them no matter the circumstances. Also, students need to hear all the positives of why they can be successful in life.
We appreciate all you do for our students and all of us at Central.
Happy National Counseling Week!

Meet Our Counselors!
Happy National School Counseling Week to Mrs. Karnesia George, 4th and 5th Grade Counselor at Central.
Mrs. George sees a bright future in all students, and invests in its greatness. She loves working with students as well as their families.
Thank you, Mrs. George for the time and effort you invest in our students.
We are truly blessed with the best!

Central Has Heart for Children's Hospital!
Central students are collecting travel size toiletries for Arkansas Children's Hospital. These items will be used to help make up "family bags" that are given to families who may not have had time to pack before arriving at the hospital.
Students should select travel size, new and unopened items from the following list:
These items will be collected in homeroom classrooms. At the end of the collection process, the classroom that collects the most items in each grade will be awarded a prize.
We will be collecting items from February 7, 2022 through February 25, 2022.
Flyers were sent home with students today, but the following video will help to explain Central Has Heart for Children's Hospital.

Panther Fans and Boys and Girls Club Supporters: Please help!

Due to wet road conditions and anticipated below-freezing temperatures through the night and morning, Magnolia School District will close to on-site instruction and utilize AMI day 4 tomorrow, Feb. 4th.