You still have time today to stop by Central to pick up or purchase a yearbook. The cost is $20, cash only.

Magnolia Junior Charity League Sponsors Summer Backpack Program

BAILEY COBURN RECOGNIZED AS DISTRICT TEACHER OF THE YEAR The Magnolia School Board recognized East Side Elementary School music teacher, Bailey Coburn as the 2020 District Teacher of the Year at their regular meeting on June 15. Superintendent, John Ward read Mrs. Coburn’s biography and then presented her with a plaque of recognition. Bailey will now represent the Magnolia School District in the Arkansas Teacher of the Year (ATOY) competition. Arkansas regional finalists will be announced the week of July 3-8. Regional finalists will also attend a reception ceremony at the Governor’s Mansion in Little Rock on July 31, where the four ATOY finalists will be announced. During the fall of 2020, the ATOY selection panel will visit the finalists’ schools for classroom observation and interviews. The 2021 Arkansas Teacher of the Year will then be announced sometime prior to December 20, 2020.

The Magnolia School Board recognized East Side Elementary School art teacher, Bailey Coburn as the 2020 District Teacher of the Year at their regular meeting on June 15. Superintendent, John Ward read Mrs. Coburn’s biography and then presented her with a plaque of recognition. Bailey will now represent the Magnolia School District in the Arkansas Teacher of the Year (ATOY) competition. Arkansas regional finalists will be announced the week of July 3-8. Regional finalists will also attend a reception ceremony at the Governor’s Mansion in Little Rock on July 31, where the four ATOY finalists will be announced. During the fall of 2020, the ATOY selection panel will visit the finalists’ schools for classroom observation and interviews. The 2021 Arkansas Teacher of the Year will then be announced sometime prior to December 20, 2020.

If you pre-ordered a Central yearbook, they will be distributed on Wednesday and Thursday, June 17 - 18, 2020, between the hours of 12:30 - 4:00.
If you did not pre-order, and would like to purchase one ,
you may also come on the above mentioned days. The cost of the yearbook is $20, cash only!
Pick up will be outside in front of Central Elementary.
If you have questions you can contact:
Shelly Snider at ssnider@magnoliaschools.net


Magnolia School District personnel recently selected Bailey Coburn as the 2020 District Teacher of the Year. Mrs. Coburn is the music teacher at East Side Elementary School where she instructs approximately six hundred students in grades 1-3.
Bailey is a graduate of Ashdown High School and Henderson State University. She began her career in Magnolia when she did her student teaching in the fall of 2014. She assisted with the band program and with East Side’s music program. After earning her Bachelors of Music in Education, Bailey taught in the El Dorado and Spring Hill school districts. However, she was always drawn back to Magnolia, working as the high school receptionist and finally returning to East Side as the elementary music teacher. At East Side, Bailey teaches approximately 600 students per week. She incorporates music from many cultures and time periods. She leads five music programs each year, including last year’s first-ever East Side Veterans Day program. She also includes self-regulation exercises in music class and began a weekly yoga program for students with behavioral and/or sensory issues.
Bailey is married to Russell Coburn, a former Magnolia band director. They have one son, Henry, who will be three in June. They also have their rescue dog, Molly. Bailey’s hobbies include playing piano and ukulele, learning new technology, and taking naps. She loves to uplift her coworkers and come up with innovative ideas for the classroom. She can often be found with a to-do list in one hand and a Dr. Pepper in the other. Bailey is also an advocate for mental health and pushes her students to do their best.
Mrs. Bailey is now eligible for the 2020 Arkansas Teacher of the Year competition.

Have a Safe, Happy, and Fun Summer

Central Says Goodbye

Happy Memorial Day Weekend

Congratulations Mrs. Angela Watson, Central Teacher of the Year!!

The Magnolia School District will continue to provide Alternative Methods of Instruction (AMI) packets to the students of the District.
• If you picked up Days 31–35 (May 4 – 8) last week, it was a one sheet, 2 sided document that also included Days 36–40 (May 11 – 15). You will not have to pick up work this week.
• If you did not receive assignments from Days 1 – 35, they will also be available in the cabinet.
• There is also a bin at the front entrance for you to return ANY books that need to be returned to the school.
If you have access to the internet, you may also obtain AMI assignments online on all the Magnolia Public Schools websites and the MPS App using the link below:
Central Elementary AMI
If you need help obtaining any of these documents, or have any questions, please contact your child’s teacher via email, which can be found at the link below:
Central Elementary Staff Directory

Let's thank a teacher during Teacher Appreciation Week!!

Magnolia School District has been approved to join forces with Baylor University to offer the Meals-To-You program.
What does this mean? It means that meals for your student(s) will be delivered to your home!
Each household, with children ages 1-18 who qualify for free or reduced school meals, will need to go to the website www.mealstoyou.org and sign up by Monday, May 11th.
PLEASE help share this to get the word out.
This program will be replacing the food service delivery we have been doing since mid-March. Magnolia School District will not deliver meals after this Friday, 05/08.
This is a great opportunity for our community!

Return Library Books

SAGE students have been tuning in to their weekly ZOOM to see the “Masked SAGERS” this is our spin on the Masked Singers show.
The students make a mask, and share a song, riddle, or joke in a mysterious voice. The audience (students) are having a blast trying to figure out each one.

We could not let this day pass without saying THANK YOU to the two ladies who keeps us all going. Thank you Tracy Baxley and Casey Munn for all you do!!

Due to the threat of bad weather, we have moved our bins inside for the rest of the day. If weather permits, they will be back out tomorrow morning.

Mrs. Payne and her student teacher, Ms. Hardy, have been hosting a Zoom book club for their students. They are all anxious to find out what Mary Lennox finds when she unlocks the door to the garden in chapter 9.

It has been a busy week at Central. Scavenger hunts, costume parties, math brain teasers, and writing prompts, all being done through Zoom meetings. Our teachers and students are doing a phenomenal job! ❤