over 4 years ago, Central Elementary School
Picture Day Reminder
Picture Days at Central!!!
over 4 years ago, Central Elementary School
Dates for Picture Days
October Menus
over 4 years ago, Central Elementary School
October Breakfast Menu
October  Lunch Menu
Central's Faculty Focus!!
over 4 years ago, Central Elementary School
Faculty Focus Information
MAGNOLIA SCHOOL DISTRICT TO HOLD FLU CLINIC The Magnolia School District will hold its annual Flu Immunization Clinic on the following dates. Walker Campus: Tuesday, October 13 Middle School: Wednesday, October 14 Kindergarten/East Side: Tuesday, October 20 Central: Wednesday, October 21 9Th Grade Academy/High School: Thursday, October 22 Information packets with consent forms will be sent home with students next week. Completed forms should be returned campus offices no later than Tuesday, October 6. Only flu shots will be available this year. Flu mist will not be available. An online registration option is available through the Arkansas Department of Health website: https://adhschoolfluprereg.arkansas.gov/WebsiteContent/Show-WebsiteContent-HomePage.aspx Questions regarding the Flu Clinic should be directed to the nurse on the student’s campus.
over 4 years ago, Scott Nipper
Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! A special thanks goes out to Cathy McMahen and Chicken Express for delivering cookies and Teacher Reward cards to all employees of the Magnolia School District this morning. We appreciate the support you give to everyone involved in our District.
over 4 years ago, Scott Nipper
Parent/Teacher Conference Information!!!
over 4 years ago, Central Elementary School
Parent/Teacher Conference Information
MAGNOLIA HIGH SCHOOL HOMCOMING GAME CANCELED Due to COVID-19, the homecoming game between the Magnolia Panthers and the Arkansas High Razorbacks on September 25 has been canceled. The game has been ruled a “no contest.” All homecoming activities will be rescheduled at a date to be determined. The status of the game between the Panthers and Hot Springs Lakeside on October 2 will also be determined at a later date.
over 4 years ago, Magnolia School District
On-site students will receive Progress Reports today!
over 4 years ago, Central Elementary School
Progress Report Announcement
Central Homecoming Dress Up Days! September 21 - 25, 2020!
over 4 years ago, Central Elementary School
Dress Up Days Instructions
Central Elementary celebrates Constitution Day
over 4 years ago, Mrs. Smith
Video of Constitution
over 4 years ago, Central Elementary School
Progress Report Announcement
Friday night is the first home panther football game! Let's show our support, Friday, by wearing our favorite Panther Red to School!!!
over 4 years ago, Central Elementary School
Wear Red Announcement
Parent Teacher Conferences will be held via Zoom on September 24, 2020. More information will be available soon!
over 4 years ago, Central Elementary School
Parent Teacher Conference Information
Academy Street is One Way!
over 4 years ago, Central Elementary School
One Way Street Sign
Central Faculty Focus
over 4 years ago, Central Elementary School
Picture and Information of TEacher
Have you heard the great news?!?! We are now able to offer NO CHARGE breakfast AND lunch for all students! We are thankful for this grant we have received to make this possible! This will run through December 31, 2020!
over 4 years ago, Becky White
food tray
MAGNOLIA SCHOOL DISTRICT CONTINUES SEAMLESS SUMMER MEAL PROGRAM The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) recently announced the extension of the Seamless Summer Option (SSO) through December 31, 2020. The SSO allows school districts to provide meals at no cost to children 18 and younger. The purpose of the extension is to assure that children have access to nutritious meals while the nation recovers from COVID-19. During the pandemic, USDA has continued to provide flexibilities for the purpose of assisting families and assuring that children are fed whether they attend school in a classroom environment or as virtual students. The Magnolia School District will continue this program starting Tuesday, September 8. This program allows the District to provide meals at no cost regardless of the student’s eligibility status and outside the typically-required group settings and meal times. Parents and guardians may pick up meals at the East Side Elementary cafeteria from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. starting September 8. Although students will receive meals at no charge through December 31, 2020, it is imperative that parents continue to work with the Magnolia Food Service Department in completing and submitting free and reduced meal applications. Families who have not completed a meal application are strongly encouraged to do so. Families are also encouraged to check their email regularly for updates and announcements from the food service department. For questions, please call 870-234-2677.
over 4 years ago, Scott Nipper
September Breakfast and Lunch Menus!!!
over 4 years ago, Central Elementary School
Breakfast Menu
September Lunch
Boys and Girls Club Fall Sports Registration is underway! Please see schedule below!
over 4 years ago, Magnolia School District
Boys and Girls Club Fall Registration