The Magnolia School District will continue Remote Learning Friday during the spring semester for students in grades K-12. The first Remote Learning Friday of the semester will be January 8, 2021.
The purpose of Remote Learning Friday is to allow teachers time to work specifically with virtual students and to plan and prepare lessons for virtual and on-site students. This will benefit all students because it will improve the quality of instruction for both options.
Parents are reminded that buses will not run morning or evening routes.

January Menus!

The Magnolia School District will continue Remote Learning Friday during the spring semester for students in grades K-12. The first Remote Learning Friday of the semester will be January 8, 2021.
The purpose of Remote Learning Friday is to allow teachers time to work specifically with virtual students and to plan and prepare lessons for virtual and on-site students. This will benefit all students because it will improve the quality of instruction for both options.
Parents are reminded that buses will not run morning or evening routes. Breakfast and lunch will be served on each campus for students in attendance and for those who just come on campus for meals.
Walker Pre-K will remain open on its regular schedule; however, buses will not run. Parents will need to bring students to Walker Pre-K in the morning and pick them up in the afternoon.
For Remote Learning Plans for each school, please visit www.magnoliaschools.net.

Thank you, Mr. Larry Dunn, Director of Performing Arts, for reading The Nutcracker Night Before Christmas for our students.

Congratulations, Mrs. Betty Muldrew!!

Congratulations to December Students of the Month!

The Stockings Were Hung By The Chimney With Care....

It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas in the 3rd grade hallway.

Magnolia Junior Charity League would like to recognize Bodcaw Bank as a Platinum Presenting Partner for the 2020-2021 Backpack program sponsored by MJCL. These funds will be used to purchase food sacks for students enrolled in the Backpack food program in Columbia County schools and for the new Food Pantries for Middle & High school students. Last year, over 250 students were enrolled in the backpack program and over 1,000 bags were distributed in the summer program throughout the county at various pickup locations.
“We are so thankful for Bodcaw Bank joining us this year as a Presenting Platinum partner for our Backpack food program. We are looking forward to partnering with them in the future and are thankful for their support of MJCL this year.” -Anna Smith, MJCL 2020-2021 President
Each Friday, children in grades K-6 who are enrolled in the Backpack program receive easy to open food placed in their bag to take home for the weekend. This fall, MJCL has made an expansion of the Backpack program to include the new Food Pantry, after meeting with local school administrators. They expressed their concern for the older children in middle and high schools that face hunger every day. Each pantry is stocked with various snacks and meal options for students who administrators, teachers, coaches, and counselors feel need extra nutritional support.
Every year, MJCL partners with local churches to raise funds to support the Backpack program. This year, MJCL has been seeking additional local partnerships, such as the partnership with Bodcaw Bank, throughout the county to support the expansion of services for our children. MJCL looks forward to the opportunity of growing the Backpack and Pantry programs in the future to combat hunger in Columbia County.
For more information on how you can donate to this need, please contact mjcltreasurer@gmail.com

Tickets for Friday night’s games (Boys9th JV and Varsity) vs Ashdown will be available to purchase starting Wednesday morning at 8:00am in the ANNEX building. CASH ONLY All tickets are $5. You can only purchase a max of 6 tickets. Due to COVID 19 attendance will be limited

December Menus!

Congratulations to Central's November Students of the Month!

Parent/Teacher Conferences will once again be held virtually, today, from 3:30 - 6:30. If you have not received login information, please contact your child's teacher!

The intersection of Dudney and East North streets is currently being blocked to work on a broken gas line. The gas line has been fixed but the intersection will be blocked until further notice.
To help alleviate congestion when dropping off students at MMS, parents are asked to use the following arrival times on Thursday 11-19-20.
All drops off will be in the MMS parking lot. Please do not drop students off on McNeil street behind MMS.
8th grade 7:30
7th grade 7:45
6th grade 8:00

Picture Retake Day!

Tomorrow is Remote Learning Friday!

Congratulations, Cassidy Smith!

Third grade "joins" hands to honor our Veterans.
Thank you to all who made the ultimate sacrifice for our nation.
❤️-Central Elementary Third Grade

Central Salutes Our Veterans

Please Notice the Corrected Date for Parent/Teacher Conferences. They will be on Thursday, November 19, 2020, not November 18, 2020 as previously posted!