April Breakfast and Lunch Menus!
almost 4 years ago, Central Elementary School
April Breakfast Menu
April Lunch Menus
Central's ACT Aspire Test Schedule !! Testing begins next week starting with the 5th graders. Please check the testing schedule and make every effort to have your child at school during their testing dates and times.
almost 4 years ago, Central Elementary School
ACT Aspire Testing Dates
Friday, April 2, 2021 is an Off-Site Teaching/Learning Day for Faculty and Students. All work will be sent home with students on Thursday!
almost 4 years ago, Central Elementary School
Friday is an Off-Site Teaching/Learning Day
HATS OFF TO HIGH SCORES IS THE THEME FOR WEDNESDAY'S DRESS UP DAY!!! Be sure to wear your favorite hat tomorrow!!
almost 4 years ago, Central Elementary School
Congratulations to Central's March Students of the Month!
almost 4 years ago, Central Elementary School
March Students of the Month
Don't Forget Tomorrow's Dress Up Day: TEAM UP TO SCORE BIG Choose a friend and dress alike for Twin Day!
almost 4 years ago, Central Elementary School
Dress Up Day Description
As ACT Aspire testing nears, fun things have been planned at Central for the next week, starting with Dress-Up Week. Monday's Theme: GREAT SCORES ARE AMONG US Represent your crew’s color: 3rd Grade – Red 4th Grade – Green 5th Grade – Blue
almost 4 years ago, Central Elementary School
Dress Up Days Descriptions
Just a few behind the scenes pictures for what's waiting for our students when they return to school Monday. We cannot wait!! #gameoncentral
almost 4 years ago, Becky White
Hallway Pictures
Hallway pictures
Hallway pictures
Hallway pictures
The Deadline to order a CES 2020-2021 Yearbook has been extended until April 1, 2021! The cost is $15, payable at time of order. Yearbooks must be purchased using the following link: https://www.yearbookordercenter.com/index.cfm/job11702 The school code is 11702 if needed.
almost 4 years ago, Becky White
Ordering Yearbook Info
As we prepare for the ACT Aspire Test, exciting things are being planned for our Central students. We think they are going to be amazed when they return from Spring Break!!! Check out the Dress-Up Days and be ready to Level Up!!!
almost 4 years ago, Central Elementary School
Dress Up Days List
All power back on. All campuses will be open. We apologize for inconvenience.
almost 4 years ago, Magnolia School District
All power back on. All campuses will be open. We apologize for inconvenience.
almost 4 years ago, Magnolia School District
Due to large power outage, Central Elementary school and Magnolia Middle school will be closed today. Magnolia High school, East side, kindergarten and Walker will remain open.
almost 4 years ago, Magnolia School District
almost 4 years ago, Scott Nipper
We are so proud of our 3rd graders who won in the Regional Science Fair, held at SAU Today!! Congratulations on a job well done! Biological Science Aubrey Roberson- 3rd place Physical Science Linley Leak- 1st Place Liam Thompson- 2nd Place Charlize Ocfemia- 3rd place Ag/Earth/Environmental Amari Lowe- 1st Anna Ponce- 2nd Jordyn Christopher- 3rd Medicine/Health Layton Walker- 2nd Engineering Channing Shackelford- 1st Colton Lewis- 2nd Sarah McDonald- 3rd Team Millie Kate Atkinson, Kamryn Franks- 1st Gage Harlon, Avery Harlon- 2nd Ma’Khila Mallory, Desmond Dixon, Sophia Ward- 3rd
about 4 years ago, Central Elementary School
Don't Forget to Wear Red Tomorrow!!!!
about 4 years ago, Becky White
wear red sign
Magnolia School District 2021-2022 School Calendar
about 4 years ago, Scott Nipper
TIME IS RUNNING OUT TO ORDER YOUR CENTRAL 2020 -2021 YEARBOOK!! Yearbooks must be ordered using the following link: https://www.yearbookordercenter.com/index.cfm/job11702 The cost of the yearbook is $15, and is payable online at time of your order!! The deadline to order your yearbook is, March 26, 2021!
about 4 years ago, Central Elementary School
Yearbook Order Information
3rd Grade Science Fair Winners Central is excited to announce winners in the 3rd Grade Science Fair. These winners move on to the Regional Science Fair, which will be held at SAU on March 12, 2021. Biological Science 1st Place – Kara Sledge 2nd Place – Hudson Smith 3rd Place – Lawson Willis and Aubrey Robertson Earth and Environmental Science 1st Place – Anna Ponce 2nd Place – Amari Lowe 3rd Place – Jordyn Christopher Medicine and Health Science 1st Place – Layton Walker 2nd Place – Nehemiah Henderson 3rd Place – Ella Harden and Bryce Roberson Physical Science 1st Place – Linley Leak 2nd Place - Charlize Ocfemia 3rd Place – Liam Thompson Engineering, Math and Computer Science 1st Place – Channing Shackelford 2nd Place – Dredan Curry 3rd Place – Colton Lewis and Sarah McDonald Team 1st Place – Millie Kate Atkinson and Kamryn Franks 2nd Place – Sophia Ward, Ma’Khila Mallory, Desmond Dixon, and Keyatha Doss 3rd Place – Gage and Avery Harlon Overall Runner-Up – Linley Leak Overall Champion – Layton Walker Congratulations on a job well done!
about 4 years ago, Central Elementary School
Help us Congratulate Central's February Students of the Month!
about 4 years ago, Central Elementary School
February Students of the Month