MHS Panther Softball The make-up Panther softball game with Malvern is scheduled for today in Malvern starting at 5:00 pm.
over 1 year ago, Magnolia School District
The MHS softball game with Malvern has been rained out. No make-up date has been decided at this time.
over 1 year ago, Magnolia School District
This week in the Magnolia READS Video Series, Magnolia graduates Jimmy and Travis Arnold, share the history of their multi-generational family business, Arnold-Baker Chevrolet. They discuss experiences as third and fourth generation family members who work to carry on the traditions and legacies set by the first and second generations. Click the link below to view the Arnolds’ video.
over 1 year ago, Magnolia School District
Magnolia READS-Arnold-Baker Chevrolet
PANTHER ATHLETIC SCHEDULE UPDATE Today's Panther baseball game has been moved to Goodheart Field at SAU. The Panther softball game will be held at Panther Yard. Both games will start at 5:00 PM It will also be Senior Night for both Panther teams.
over 1 year ago, Magnolia School District
Leaping Panther
BASEBALL/SOFTBALL SCHEDULE CHANGES The Panther baseball game scheduled for today vs. Red Water has been cancelled. The Panther baseball and softball make-up games scheduled for Thursday vs. Ashdown have been moved up to Wednesday due to weather concerns. Both games will start at 4:30 PM.
over 1 year ago, Magnolia School District
Leaping Panther
Each year as East Side and Central Elementary Schools are participating in the Magnolia READS financial literacy event, the district and campuses also enjoy involving community members in the project. Many community members and parents are asked to be guest readers for chapters in this year’s book The Lemonade War. Another way community members are involved in the project is through the Magnolia READS Video Series. This year, the video series theme is “Multi-generational Family Businesses in Magnolia.” Business owners or employees, most of whom are Magnolia graduates or family members of Magnolia graduates, will share how their businesses began with the first generation to third and fourth generation family members who currently own or work in their businesses. Enjoy this year’s video series and the history of many of Magnolia’s family businesses. The first video comes from Jennifer Lewis Sanders, a 1988 Magnolia graduate, who shares how her family business, Lewis Funeral Home, began and is now owned and managed by the fourth generation. Click the link below to view Jennifer's video.
almost 2 years ago, Magnolia School District
Magnolia READS-Jennifer Lewis Sanders
DENELLE EDINGTON SELECTED CENTRAL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL’S TEACHER OF THE YEAR Mrs. Denelle Edington was raised in Buckner, AR, and graduated from Stamps High School. She received a bachelor’s degree in early childhood education from Southern Arkansas University and is certified to teach Pre-K through sixth grade. Denelle is currently a fourth grade math, science, and social studies teacher at Central Elementary School where she has been teaching for twelve years. Throughout her twenty-one years as a teacher, she has taught pre-kindergarten, kindergarten, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth grades, with fourth grade being her favorite. Mrs. Edington is married to Brian Edington and makes her home in Buckner. Her children include son Tyler Metcalf (MHS ’16), daughter-in-law Taegan Metcalf (MHS ’16), who teaches second grade at Eastside, son Todd Metcalf (MHS ’21), stepdaughter, Tiffany Erwin (MHS ’19), and soon-to-be step-son-in-law, Ryan McKamie. Tyler and Taegan have a 2-year-old daughter, Hollis, and are expecting a second daughter, Hattie, in May. Denelle also has two dogs, Kane and Oscar. In Mrs. Edington’s spare time, she loves working in her yard, reading, watching documentaries, listening to true crime podcasts, and going on traveling adventures with her husband.
almost 2 years ago, Magnolia School District
Denelle Edington - Central Elementary  Teacher of the Year
The MHS Panther baseball game scheduled for today has been cancelled.
almost 2 years ago, Magnolia School District
Human Trafficking Awareness Event April 11 - 6 PM SAU Foundation Hall Open to Public
almost 2 years ago, Magnolia School District
Human Trafficking Awareness Event - April 11 - 6 PM - SAU Foundation Hall
MHS ATHLETIC EVENTS CANCELLED The track meet scheduled in Camden today has been cancelled. The baseball and softball games scheduled today vs. Ashdown have been cancelled. Make up games have been scheduled for April 20 starting at 5:00 pm.
almost 2 years ago, Magnolia School District
Leaping Panther
MHS BASEBALL AND SOFTBALL SCHEDULE CHANGES Baseball and softball games scheduled for Friday, April 7 have been moved up to Thursday, April 6 weather permitting. Both games will start at 5:00 pm.
almost 2 years ago, Magnolia School District
Leaping Panther
MR. WARD INTRODUCES THIS YEAR'S MAGNOLIA READS EVENT April is recognized as Financial Literacy Month. The yearly Magnolia READS (Reading Empowers All District Students) financial literacy event kicked off today for the students and staff members at East Side and Central Elementary Schools. This year’s book choice is The Lemonade War by Jacqueline Davies. Click on the link below to view Mr. Ward's video.
almost 2 years ago, Magnolia School District
Magnolia READS-Mr. Ward
MHS BASEBALL AND SOFTBALL SCHEDULE CHANGE Weather Permitting - The MHS Panther baseball and softball games scheduled for Tuesday have been moved up to today... Monday, April 3. Both games are scheduled to start at 5:00pm
almost 2 years ago, Magnolia School District
Leaping Panther
Today's MHS Panther softball game with Malvern has been canceled due to concerns of severe weather. The game has been rescheduled for April 10 starting at 5:00 pm.
almost 2 years ago, Magnolia School District
MHS BASEBALL & SOFTBALL SCHEDULE UPDATES The Panther baseball game scheduled with Malvern on Friday has been moved up to Thursday. Start time is 5;00 pm. The Panther softball team will be traveling to Camden for a makeup game on Thursday. They hope to play Malvern on Friday. All games start at 5:00 pm.
almost 2 years ago, Magnolia School District
Leaping Panther
MAGNOLIA KINDERGARTEN ENROLLMENT CLINIC March 27-31 Kindergarten Center at East Side 8:30 am - 4:00 pm Click Below for more details
almost 2 years ago, Magnolia School District
Leaping Panther
FREEE SUBSTITURE TEACHER TRAINING Magnolia School District Wednesday, March 29th 9a-12p 🍎 Proof of High School Diploma/GED required. 🍏 Must pass FBI/DHS background checks (Please call prior to training for instructions) 🍎 Bring I-9 acceptable documents to the training. If you have questions please contact us at 800.641.0140
almost 2 years ago, Magnolia School District
Magnolia ESS Training
Bikes-N-Bubbles March 25 - 1:00-3:00 pm Bethel Church Parking Lot 131 Bethel Road Bubbles-Face Painting, Snacks, and Fun
almost 2 years ago, Magnolia School District
Bikes and Bubbles - March 25 - 1:00-3:00 PM - Bethel Church - 131 Bethel Road
The MHS baseball and softball games with Camden Fairview will be moved up from Thursday, March 16 to Wednesday, March 15 due to severe weather forecasted in our area. Games for both teams will start at 5:00.
almost 2 years ago, Magnolia School District
MHS Leaping Panther
Magnolia High School baseball and softball games scheduled for Tuesday, March 14 have been moved to Nashville. Both games will start at 5:00 PM.
almost 2 years ago, Magnolia School District
MHS Leaping Panther