WPK Enrollment

Walker Pre-Kindergarten Center Enrollment Clinic


The Magnolia School District will host an Enrollment Clinic at the Walker Pre-Kindergarten Center on March 18 and March 20.  Families may choose to attend at 9:00 A.M. or 11:00 A.M. each day.  The address of the Center is 655 Highway 79 South.  Participants will meet in the teachers’ lounge; parents should park in the parking lot near the gym.  Caregivers of children who will be three or four years of age by August 1, 2025, and anyone else interested are invited to tour the Center.  Applications for students who are eligible will be distributed at this time.  


Tuition-based slots are available to families who do not meet ABC income eligibility guidelines.  The cost for the 2025-2026 academic year will be $445.00 per month during the months of August through May.


Applications will be available on April 1, 2025, at the District Administration Building (1403 High School Drive) for anyone who does not attend the Enrollment Clinic. Completed applications must be returned to this location.  When returned, applications will be dated as slots will be awarded on a first come first served basis.


In addition to completing forms, caregivers applying for ABC slots should be prepared to provide the following:


1.     Proof of Residence in the District (dated within 30 days of application)


2.     Proof of Social Security Number (child)


3.     Proof of Age – Legal Birth Certificate


4.     Up-to-Date Immunization Record


5.     Proof of a Well-Child Screening

§  must have been completed within two years of date of application


§  please use the form provided by the school if possible


6.     Proof of Dental Exam (dated within 6 months of application)


7.     Proof of Medicaid/AR Kids First (if applicable)


8.     Proof of Income if Applying for an ABC Slot (most recent 30-day pay period)


a.     Tuition – based families do not have to provide this information.


9.   Notarized Statement of Unemployment (if applicable)

10. Notarized Statement of Self-Employment (if applicable)