Welcome to the Magnolia School District Athletics!
"Nothing brings out school spirit more than our athletic events! We are proud of our athletes and the hard work they display in the classroom and in their chosen sport. We invite our community to join us for all our athletic events. We encourage our fans to show positive sportsmanship for our students and our opponents and also respect for our facilities."

Bobby Beeson,
Athletic Director
Email: bobby.beeson@magnoliaschools.net
Office: Magnolia School District Annex
Phone: 870-901-2510
Jamie Stewart, Athletic Secretary
Email: jamie.stewart@magnoliaschools.net
Office: Magnolia School District Annex
Phone: 870-901-2510
Participation Matters.
What is Sportsmanship?
A huge THANK YOU goes out to Ali Dadgar, Angela Pieratt, Connie Wilson, and Amber Leak whose photos you see displayed of our athletes. We appreciate the time you take out of your busy schedules to attend and photograph our athletes and we are proud to display your talents.